2004-07-06 --
IBL All-Star Team Announced
The Intercounty Baseball League today announced the roster of All-Stars that will face the Guelph Royals in the IBL All-Star Game on Tuesday July 6 (7:30 p.m.) at Hastings Stadium in Guelph.
2004 IBL All-Star Game - All-Star Roster as selected by the IBL Member Team managers
1B Dan Gibbons, Toronto Maple Leafs
1B Eric Wolfe, Brantford Red Sox
2B T.J. Shimizu, Brantford Red Sox
2B Gamin Teague, Toronto Maple Leafs
3B P.J. McDonald, Hamilton Cardinals
3B Pedro Ozuno, Stratford Storm
SS Shane Ridley, Hamilton Cardinals
SS Luke Baker, Kitchener Panthers
C Wayne Forman, Brantford Red Sox
C Alex Blackburn, London Majors
C Mark Johnson, Kitchener Panthers
Jonathan Bakash, Barrie Baycats
Raul Borjas, Brantford Red Sox
Rich Butler, Toronto Maple Leafs
Len Elias, Brantford Red Sox
Jeff Pietraszko, Kitchener Panthers
Kevin Treichel, Toronto Maple Leafs
Designated Hitters
Rob Butler, Toronto Maple Leafs
Darryl Reid, Oshawa Dodgers
Doug Dimma, Toronto Maple Leafs (LHP)
Mark Ferguson, Brantford Red Sox (LHP)
Travis Gilligan, Oshawa Dodgers (LHP)
Craig Hawkins, Hamilton Cardinals (RHP)
Brad Hogeterp, Brantford Red Sox (LHP)
Adam Hornostaj, Kitchener Panthers (RHP)
Angus Roy, Barrie Baycats (RHP)
Paul Spoljaric, Toronto Maple Leafs (LHP)
Stefan Strecker, Brantford Red Sox (RHP)
Rick Johnston, Brantford Red Sox
This is the second consecutive year for the IBL All-Star Game after the Toronto Maple Leafs defeated the IBL All-Stars 9-6 at Christie Pits last July.