2006-04-21 --

IBL Announces 2006 Schedule
The Intercounty Baseball League today announced the schedule of games for the 2006 regular season.
The schedule kicks off with seven games during the Opening Weekend of May 6 and 7. The Barrie Baycats open defence of the IBL championship with a matinee at Christie Pitts against the Toronto Maple Leafs on Sunday May 7.
The 162 game schedule concludes on Sunday July 23.
"We are very excited about the 88th season of the Intercounty Baseball League," said IBL Commissioner Jim Rooney. "The IBL provides fans of this great game with an opportunity to watch it live at the grassroots level. The talent coming back for 2006 is very deep and we are looking forward to welcoming our fans back to the ballpark in 2006.
"We are also pleased to welcome John Gillespie as our new partner in Stratford. We look forward to welcoming John and the newly re-named Stratford Nationals in the IBL this season."
The Barrie Baycats will host the IBL All-Star Classic at Barrie Metals Stadium on Saturday July 8. As defending league champs, the Baycats will face a team of IBL All-Stars in the special event.
Intercounty Baseball League
2006 Schedule
Sat. May 6
Hamilton at Brantford, 2:00
Kitchener at Guelph, 2:00
Stratford at Oshawa, 2:00
Sun. May 7
Brantford at Hamilton, 2:00
Stratford at Kitchener, 2:00
Guelph at London, 1:00
Barrie at Toronto, 2:00
Sat. May 13
Hamilton at Barrie, 2:00
Kitchener at Brantford, 2:00
Toronto at Guelph, 2:00
London at Oshawa (DH), 2:00
Sun. May 14
Barrie at Kitchener, 2:00
Brantford at London, 1:00
Guelph at Stratford, 2:00
Hamilton at Toronto, 2:00
Wed. May 17
Toronto at Hamilton, 7:30
Fri. May 19
Hamilton at London, 7:30
Sat. May 20
Kitchener at Barrie, 2:00
Stratford at Brantford, 2:00
Guelph at Oshawa, 2:00
Sun. May 21
Brantford at Hamilton, 2:00
Barrie at Stratford (DH), 2:00
Kitchener at Toronto, 2:00
Mon. May 22
Oshawa at London (DH), 1:00
Hamilton at Stratford, 2:00
Thur. May 25
Brantford at Barrie, 7:45
Toronto at Kitchener, 7:30
Fri. May 26
London at Stratford, 7:30
Sat. May 27
Toronto at Barrie, 2:00
Hamilton at Brantford, 2:00
Oshawa at Guelph (DH), 2:00
Kitchener at Stratford, 2:00
Sun. May 28
London at Hamilton, 2:00
Guelph at Kitchener, 2:00
Brantford at Oshawa, 2:00
Stratford at Toronto, 2:00
Tues. May 30
Kitchener at Guelph, 7:45
Wed. May 31
Stratford at Brantford, 8:00
Hamilton at Oshawa, 7:30
Guelph at Toronto, 7:30
Thur. June 1
Oshawa at Barrie, 7:30
London at Kitchener, 7:30
Fri. June 2
Toronto at Hamilton, 7:30
Brantford at Stratford, 7:30
Sat. June 3
London at Barrie (DH), 1:00
Toronto at Brantford, 2:00
Hamilton at Guelph, 2:00
Kitchener at Oshawa, 2:00
Sun. June 4
Oshawa at Hamilton, 2:00
Barrie at Kitchener, 2:00
Stratford at London, 1:00
Brantford at Toronto, 2:00
Tues. June 6
Barrie at Guelph, 7:45
Wed. June 7
Guelph at Brantford, 8:00
Kitchener at Hamilton, 7:30
Toronto at Oshawa, 7:30
Thur. June 8
Toronto at Kitchener, 7:30
Fri. June 9
Kitchener at London, 7:30
Hamilton at Stratford, 7:30
Sat. June 10
Toronto at Barrie, 2:00
Oshawa at Brantford (DH), 1:00
Stratford at Guelph, 7:45
Sun. June 11
Stratford at Hamilton, 2:00
Brantford at Kitchener, 2:00
Guelph at London, 1:00
Oshawa at Toronto, 2:00
Mon. June 12
Barrie at Hamilton, 8:00
Tues. June 13
Brantford at Guelph, 7:45
Wed. June 14
Toronto at Hamilton, 7:30
Barrie at Oshawa, 7:30
Thur. June 15
Guelph at Barrie, 7:45
London at Kitchener, 7:30
Fri. June 16
Brantford at Hamilton, 7:30
Toronto at Stratford, 7:30
Sat. June 17
Hamilton at Barrie, 7:00
London at Brantford, 2:00
Stratford at Guelph, 7:45
Kitchener at Oshawa, 2:00
Sun. June 18
Hamilton at Kitchener, 7:00
Barrie at London (DH), 1:00
Oshawa at Stratford (DH), 2:00
Guelph at Toronto, 2:00
Tues. June 20
London at Guelph, 7:45
Wed. June 21
Hamilton at Toronto, 7:30
Thur. June 22
Oshawa at Barrie, 4:00
Brantford at Kitchener, 7:30
Fri. June 23
Guelph at Brantford, 8:00
Kitchener at Hamilton, 7:30
Stratford at London, 7:30
Sat. June 24
Stratford at Barrie (DH), 1:00
Toronto at Guelph, 7:45
Hamilton at Oshawa, 2:00
Sun. June 25
Barrie at Hamilton, 2:00
Oshawa at Kitchener, 7:00
Brantford at Stratford, 2:00
London at Toronto (DH), 1:00
Tues. June 27
Kitchener at Guelph, 7:45
Wed. June 28
Stratford at Brantford, 8:00
Guelph at Oshawa, 7:45
Barrie at Toronto, 7:30
Thurs. June 29
Kitchener at Stratford, 7:30
Fri. June 30
Barrie at Brantford, 8:00
Hamilton at London, 7:30
Sat. July 1
Hamilton at Guelph, 7:45
Toronto at London (DH), 4:00
Brantford at Oshawa, 2:00
Sun. July 2
London at Hamilton, 2:00
Barrie at Kitchener, 7:00
Stratford at Oshawa (DH), 2:00
Guelph at Toronto, 2:00
Tues. July 4
Barrie at Guelph, 7:45
London at Stratford, 7:30
Wed. July 5
Kitchener at Brantford, 8:00
Oshawa at Toronto, 7:30
Thur. July 6
Oshawa at Barrie, 7:30
Stratford at Kitchener, 7:30
Fri. July 7
Toronto at Brantford, 8:00
Guelph vs. Hamilton (at Guelph), 7:45
Kitchener at London, 7:30
Sat. July 8
All Star Game at Barrie, 4:00
Sun. July 9
Brantford at London, 1:00
Guelph at Stratford, 2:00
Kitchener at Toronto, 2:00
Tues. July 11
Guelph at Hamilton, 7:30
Barrie at Oshawa, 7:30
Wed. July 12
Guelph at Brantford, 8:00
Stratford at Hamilton, 7:30
Toronto at Oshawa, 7:30
Thur. July 13
Toronto at Barrie, 7:30
London at Kitchener, 7:30
Fri. July 14
Barrie at Brantford, 8:00
Hamilton at London, 7:30
Sat. July 15
Kitchener at Barrie, 7:00
Brantford at Guelph, 7:45
Hamilton at Stratford, 2:00
Sun. July 16
Oshawa at Kitchener, 7:00
London at Stratford, 2:00
Brantford at Toronto, 2:00
Tues. July 18
Barrie at Guelph, 7:45
Wed. July 19
Oshawa at Toronto, 7:30
Thur. July 20
Guelph at Barrie, 7:45
Hamilton at Kitchener, 7:30
Fri. July 21
London at Brantford, 8:00
Toronto at Stratford, 7:30
Sat. July 22
Brantford at Barrie, 7:00
London at Guelph, 7:45
Kitchener at Oshawa, 2:00
Sun. July 23
Oshawa at Hamilton, 2:00
Guelph at Kitchener, 2:00
Brantford at London, 1:00
Stratford at Toronto, 2:00